Table trends - Diplomat Catering

Communal dishes and meals have all the rage this season. Separation really is prudent. More and more wedding guests are enjoying the meals together on long dining tables where food is brought directly to the table, so guests can never leave their home. “Past are the days of three dinners, now is the time for tastings, small tiles and family style services,” says Courtney Isaac, the top event designer at Waters Fine Catering. “Family style turns each table into a community by splitting and exchanging beautiful tasty dishes and treats as they appear,” she adds. It is also more sociable, allowing guests to mix, mix, and keep the conversation going into a pleasant and relaxing environment. Bonus: no waiting on long lines of buffet! Part-controlled proteins, chips, abundant berries like quinoa, and colorful salads are all the best betting bets. (Avoid hot dishes that could pose a risk of passing).